The initial release of my portfolio manager

Recently, I decided to share the app I built for myself: TaluCrypt, a portfolio manager for crypto currencies. Most of us use Excel spreadsheet to manage their portfolio. Excel is fine but you have to update everything manually and this can quickly be time consuming when you hold multiple assets. This is the main reason why I created this application.

Initial features

Portfolio screen:
-Add/remove investments in your portfolio.
-Set targets.
-Display your overall portfolio value and various info.
-Display your portfolio by assets, asset category, asset allocation.
-Display pending orders and historic order from exchanges.

Wallet manager:
-Add/remove exchange API key.
-Add/remove blockchain assets (BTC, ETH, BSC, LTC, NEO, QTUM, XLM, BCH supported for now).
-Add/remove custom assets (user added assets).

Go on the download page and try it for free.

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