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The best portfolio manager for cryptos

You are in the crypto game?
You use spreadsheets to track your portfolios?
You have investments stored on multiple blockchains?
You use multiple exchanges?
You have no money management?
You want to keep your personal data with you?

Talu Crypt is your solution!

Your crypto dashboard

Talu Crypt will be your single place to track your investments, pending orders, historic orders, asset allocation, past performances, cash exposure, price targets etc…

No need to use spreadsheets anymore and manually update it, Talu Crypt does everything for you automatically.

Manage your cash exposure

Managing a crypto portfolio is like playing poker but on multiple tables and simultaneously, you can’t be all in all the time, otherwise get ready to face a very strong roller coaster, financially and emotionally. Therefore, it’s important to keep a certain percentage of your portfolio in fiat or stable coin.

This percentage should be defined based on where we are in the current market price and cycle.

Portfolio allocation

Visualize your portfolio allocation either by assets, storage or categories. 

You can’t go all in on one shit coin or you can’t store the majority of you asset on exchanges which can be hacked.

Remember: “Not your key, not your coin” so it’s important to know which proportion of your assets are at risk. Portfolio allocation is key if you want to survive in the crypto world.

Monitor your portfolio automatically by adding your exchange API, public addresses or manually entering your coin balances.


Add your public keys

Enter your public keys, and Talu Crypt will automatically retrieve their assets.

Multiple blockchains supported:
-BTC, ETH, BSC, LTC, NEO, QTUM, XLM, BCH, PLS and more than 1000 tokens.
-More blockchains will be added based on community requests.


Add your API key

Enter your API keys in read only and Talu Crypt will automatically retrieve assets, pending and historic orders for your exchanges.

Multiple exchanges supported:
-Bitfinex, Kraken and Binance
-More to come based on community requests.

Assets not supported?

Add asset manually

Because some blockchains and Exchanges are currently not supported, you can add assets with the amount of coins manually.

Your data are stored on your computer

Talu Crypt is the first non-custodial crypto portfolio manager. All your information are stored on your computer and nothing is stored on our servers, we don’t even have servers!

No need to trust any third party
No middleman!

All others portfolio management tools store your data on their servers and you don’t know what they are doing with it; they can be hacked, maybe they use your data or maybe they sell it, you just have no idea! Or maybe one day the tax office will access it and use it wrongly against you! So don’t be a sheep and use a real portfolio management tool where you are the only master!

How to start ?

Download the app on the Microsoft Store and try it for free.

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Purchase a license key or get it for free by becoming a community member.

Pay with crypto !

Join our telegram group, request new features and share your thoughts.

Start managing your cryptos like a pro now, don’t wait the next top of the bull run!

Frequently asked questions:


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