Born in Paris in the mid-80s, I finished my master’s degree in 2009, continued as a software engineer, and used to live and work in Strasbourg, London, Paris, Sydney, and Bangkok. Eight years later, I finally settled in a small village next to Basel, where I grew up as a teenager. Today, this nomad life is over. I work from home and enjoy the countryside of France, located at the border with Switzerland and Germany.

I love coding, and I spend most of my time at the computer. I share some of my software and tools on this website. I sometimes write blog posts as well about various subjects. Some of those articles are only accessible with direct links, and others are public.

As a freedom lover, I believe that it’s in independence that we develop ourselves and enjoy life the most. Of course, as a freedom defender, I am strongly involved in the world of cryptocurrencies. Why would I have missed this huge, promising, disruptive technology? Do not hesitate to contact me if you also share this philosophy and these interests.

Besides my passion for technology, I have a deep love for climbing, both indoor and outdoor. I often seek adventures that connect me with nature, like kayaking through serene waters or bivouacking under the stars. These activities help me balance the intensive hours I spend in front of a screen and give me a profound sense of freedom and connection to the natural world.

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