Talu Crypt supports now Pulsechain and Uniswap

Hello crypto enthusiasts! I’m thrilled to announce a major update to our crypto portfolio management software. This update brings a suite of new features and improvements that I believe will significantly enhance your trading and portfolio tracking experience. I’m committed to continuously improving and updating the software to meet your needs. As a solo developer, your support and feedback are invaluable to me. Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with this new update. Stay tuned for more

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Talu Crypt supports now HEX stakes

Introducing the latest version of Talu Crypt – the ultimate portfolio manager for the modern crypto investor. With this new release, we’ve made some exciting changes to improve the overall user experience and added some highly requested features. First and foremost, we’ve eliminated the loading screen when updating all assets, making it faster and more convenient for you to stay on top of your portfolio. We’ve also fixed a bug that was causing the last full update time to display

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Talu Crypt’s latest feature: Multiple portfolios

Hey Talu Crypt users! We’re super excited to announce a new feature for our app: multiple portfolios. Before, you could only have one portfolio within the Talu Crypt app. But as our user base grew and the cryptocurrency market got more complicated, we realized that people needed more flexibility and customization when it came to portfolio management. That’s why we developed the ability to have multiple portfolios within the app. With this new feature, you can create and manage multiple

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Talu Crypt version is out!

Thanks to all of you who tested the app, your feedback is really appreciated. Most of your requests have been implemented in this release. Important note: The app ownership on the Microsoft store has changed, if you are still running the version or under, please uninstall it and re install the new app from the download page. Don’t worry, your data won’t be lost in the process. What are the new features in this release? 1. Asset’s chart: You

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The initial release of my portfolio manager

Recently, I decided to share the app I built for myself: TaluCrypt, a portfolio manager for crypto currencies. Most of us use Excel spreadsheet to manage their portfolio. Excel is fine but you have to update everything manually and this can quickly be time consuming when you hold multiple assets. This is the main reason why I created this application. Initial features Portfolio screen:-Add/remove investments in your portfolio.-Set targets.-Display your overall portfolio value and various info.-Display your portfolio by assets, asset category, asset allocation.-Display pending orders and historic order from exchanges. Wallet manager:-Add/remove exchange API key.-Add/remove blockchain assets (BTC, ETH,

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