Talu Crypt version is out!

Thanks to all of you who tested the app, your feedback is really appreciated. Most of your requests have been implemented in this release.

Important note: The app ownership on the Microsoft store has changed, if you are still running the version or under, please uninstall it and re install the new app from the download page. Don’t worry, your data won’t be lost in the process.

What are the new features in this release?

1. Asset’s chart:
You can now see the asset’s price, your average entry, exit price and breakeven level if you have connected an exchange. It’s now easy to know exactly at which price your investment will be in gain or loss.

2. News tab:
We know that news are for losers but knowing what they believe is considered by some as an edge. At least it’s entertaining!

3. Market tab:
You can now browse coins listed on Coingecko from the app, you can as well easily add them into your portfolio.

Have fun with this new version, raise a bug if you find one. Or request a feature from the About screen in the app if you think something is missing.

Don’t forget to buy low and sell high!

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